

Archives serve as invaluable repositories of our collective memory and knowledge, playing a crucial role in preserving the past for the benefit of present and future generations. These archives encompass a wide range of documents, records, photographs, manuscripts, and artifacts that provide insights into various aspects of human history, culture, and society. By cataloguing, translating original materials, and making them accessible, archives allow us to understand the evolution of societies, technologies, ideologies, and human experiences over time.

Project Egrotho “Letters” aims to document letters and non-literary documents that pertain to the Syriac-using communities. Beth Mardutho has digitized thousands of such documents. Now, we have a team of young and energetic scholars in the Middle East read, summarize, catalog, and make them available for the reader. Our aim is to provide a reliable source of information for researchers, scholars, educators, and the general public. These repositories offer firsthand accounts and primary sources that shed light on historical events, social changes, and individual stories that might otherwise be lost or distorted over time.

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Naseer Abdulnour, MI
Bashar Abdulnour, MI
Dr. Rand AbulNour-Farjo, MI
Tony Kapso, MI